With the change of seasons upon us, South Africans all over the country are looking for effective ways to keep the heat out of their homes. While there are many excellent solutions out there to this sweltering problem, many of them will raise your power bills, are inconvenient, or are far less effective than they ought to be. Of all of these heat-combatting solutions, insulation offers one of the most versatile, durable and cost effective ways of keeping your home cool in the summer (and of course warm in the winter), so long as it is correctly done by a professional technician. So, if you have been looking for a few good reasons to have your home or office done this summer, here are a few that you simply cannot ignore.

Locking out The Heat

If you’re struggling with the heat this summer, then this one is for you. One of the major functions of insulation is to keep the brutal summer heat out of your homes without the need for air conditioning, fans and open windows. It gives you better control over the air flow in your living and working spaces; and does so with far less effort, and with more consistency than other means of cooling your indoor areas.

Keeping the Warmth in

Insulation isn’t just about keeping the heat out in summer, but also locking it in in the winter months. Ceiling and wall insulation will stop warm are generated in your living and working areas from escaping as it rises, making it easier to maintain a more temperate living environment in your home or office.

Lowering your Power Bills

Many solutions that offer you control over the temperatures and air flow in your indoor spaces come at a hefty price, even when not considering the cost of purchasing them. Air conditioners are known gluttons of power, which means that their use through the summer months will end up costing you a fortune on electricity bills. You may even find that you make inadequate use out of them as a result; whereas insulation will cost you nothing once it has been installed to your home or office.

Reduce your Environmental Impact

The upside of lowering your power costs through insulating your home, is that you will be doing more than your part to reduce the impact of human activity on the environment. Air conditioners, heaters and HVAC systems leave a massive carbon footprint (especially the older models), both through their power consumption and through the emissions they generate. Opting for insulation and cutting out the need for these power hungry, fume spitting devices will reduce your impact on the environment a great deal.

Contact Insulpro For More Details

If you would like to find out more about having your home or office insulated by a professional and experienced technician, contact a representative from Insulpro or visit our website to learn more about our offers, services and the products that we work with.